Philip Slabbert
Clinical Psychologist

MA Clin Psych (Wits)
HPCSA: PS0158011
PR: 1218190
“Empowering Your Growth, Healing, and Self-Discovery Together”
Welcome to the Therapy Nook, a clinical psychology practice that offers in-person therapy in Durbanville, Bellville, and online therapy in the greater Cape Town region. As a clinical psychologist I believe healing is a collaborative journey. Taking the first step to seek support is an act of courage. Explore the website to learn more about my services and how I can assist you on your mental health journey.
About Philip

As a psychotherapist, I offer a unique blend of personal and professional experience to my psychology practice in Durbanville. After deep reflection and introspection, I redirected my career path from architecture to psychology. I realised that opposed to designing space, I want to hold therapeutic space for others. This journey led me to undertake extensive training in clinical psychology at Stellenbosch University and the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). My expertise is grounded in evidence-based practices, ensuring a safe, empathetic, and non-judgmental space for individuals to navigate life's challenges.
“Embracing the Complexity of Human Experience”
Approach to Therapy
In my private practice, every individual’s unique story is held in mind, and I approach therapy with compassion, curiosity, and respect. I believe that mental wellness, identity, and relationships are deeply interconnected. Together we can explore your thoughts, feelings and relationship dynamics to build emotional resilience, encourage authentic self-expression, nurture meaningful connections, and support your personal growth.My psychodynamic approach, driven by a curiosity about the human experience, allows us to delve beneath the surface. We will create awareness of internal patterns and relationship dynamics that may be distressing and are no longer beneficial to you.Healing becomes possible when you are open to risking new ways of being in the world. In our therapeutic relationship, I aim to create a safe space, filled with empathy and understanding, where the therapy space becomes a microcosm for exploring how we can shift these patterns.

Therapeutic Services
Online Adult Psychotherapy within South Africa
In-person Psychotherapy in Durbanville
Specific Interests
- Transitions, adjustments and stress management
- Depression and mood disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Trauma (including, post-traumatic stress disorder)
- Personal growth and exploration
- Bereavement and loss
- Interpersonal difficulties and deepening relationships
- Identity, sexuality and intersectionality
- LGBTQI+ affirmative therapy
- Masculinity and mental health
Join me in embracing the complexity of your human experience.

Call or WhatsApp
+27 71 318 6976
[email protected]
Operating Hours
Monday to Friday:
07:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 14:00
DURBANVILLE (in-person)
Fees and Policies
Payment Terms:
Our practice operates on a cash basis. Payment is due immediately after each session.
An invoice will be emailed to you after each session. Payments are to be made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). A receipt will be issued via email upon payment to enable reimbursement from your medical aid provider if applicable.
Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB) Information
If you meet specific diagnostic criteria, you may be eligible for a PMB. Please note that this requires disclosing your diagnosis to your medical aid provider, which becomes part of your permanent health record. We will discuss PMB eligibility and implications during your consultation.
Cancellation Policy:
Please provide at least 24 hours’ written notice for cancellations or rescheduling. Appointments not cancelled or rescheduled in time will incur the full session fee. Contact me via email or WhatsApp at least 24 hours before your appointment to avoid cancellation fees.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you’re ready to take the next step!
Philip Slabbert
Clinical Psychologist

MA Clin Psych (Wits)
HPCSA: PS0158011
PR: 1218190
Hi, my name is Philip Slabbert, a registered Clinical Psychologist based in Cape Town. I specialize in providing online LGBTQ+ affirmative therapy, offering a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore their unique experiences and challenges.
As an LGBTQ+ affirmative therapist, I recognize that societal norms, expectations, and pressures can disproportionately affect the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ individuals. Research has shown that LGBTQ+ individuals are more vulnerable to experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health concerns due to factors such as discrimination, stigma, and marginalization.
My approach is centered around creating a warm and empathetic environment, where you feel seen, heard, and valued. I'm committed to helping you navigate life's complexities, foster self-awareness, and cultivate resilience. Together, we can work towards promoting your mental health and wellbeing.
Philip Slabbert
Kliniese Sielkundige

MA Clin Psych (Wits)
HPCSA: PS0158011
PR: 1218190
"Saam Bemagtig Ons Jou Groei, Genesing en Selfontdekking"
Welkom by Die Terapie Hoekie (The Therapy Nook), 'n kliniese sielkundepraktyk wat in persoon terapie in Durbanville, Bellville, as ook aanlynterapie in die groter Kaapstad-streek aanbied. As 'n kliniese sielkundige glo ek dat genesing 'n gesamentlike poging is, waar ons die reis na genesing saam aanpak.
Om die eerste stap te neem en uit te reik vir ondersteuning is 'n daad van moed en dapperheid. Verken ons webwerf om meer uit te vind oor my dienste en hoe ek jou kan bystaan tydens jou geestesgesondheidsreis.
Oor Philip

As 'n kliniese sielkundige, bring ek 'n unieke kombinasie van persoonlike en professionele ervaring na my praktyk. Na 'n suksesvolle loopbaan in argitektuur, het ek my pad herlei om 'n dieper begrip van menslike ervarings na te streef. Hierdie reis het my gelei na psigodinamiese psigoterapie, waar ek die kompleksiteit van die menslike psige en dinamika in verhoudings ondersoek het. Ek het daarna in-diepte opleiding in kliniese sielkunde by Stellenbosch Universiteit en die Universiteit van Witwatersrand (Wits) onderneem. My kundigheid is gegrond op bewysgebaseerde praktyke, wat 'n veilige, empatiese en nie-veroordelende ruimte verseker vir individue om hulle lewensuitdagings te ondersoek.
"Omhels die kompleksiteit van menslike ervaring"
My psigodinamiese benadering stel ons in staat om onder die oppervlak te delf. Elke individu se unieke storie word in gedagte gehou. Ek benader terapie met deernis, nuuskierigheid, empatie, begrip en respek. Ek glo dat geestelike welstand, identiteit en verhoudings diep met mekaar verbind is. Ons ondersoek interne patrone en verhoudingsdinamika wat ontstellend kan wees en nie meer voordelig vir jou is nie. Saam kan ons jou gedagtes, gevoelens en verhoudingsdinamika verken om emosionele veerkragtigheid te bou, outentieke selfuitdrukking aan te moedig, betekenisvolle verbindings te koester en jou persoonlike groei te ondersteun.
Genesing word moontlik wanneer jy bereid is om nuwe maniere te waag om in die wêreld te wees.

Aanlyn Terapie vir Volwassenes
In Persoon Terapie in Durbanville
Spesifieke Belange
- Oorgangsperiodes, aanpassings en streshantering
- Depressie en gemoedsversteurings
- Angsversteurings
- Trauma (insluitend post-traumatiese stres versteuring)
- Persoonlike groei en verkenning
- Rou en verlies
- Interpersoonlike probleme en verdieping van verhoudings
- Identiteit, seksualiteit en interseksionaliteit
- LGBTQI+ terapie
- Manlikheid en geestesgesondheid
Sluit by my aan om die kompleksiteit van jou menslike ervaring te omhels.

Skakel of WhatsApp:
+27 71 318 6976
[email protected]
Maandag tot Vrydag:
07:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 14:00
DURBANVILLE (in persoon)
Fooie & Beleide
Ons praktyk werk op 'n kontantbasis. Betaling is onmiddellik na elke sessie betaalbaar.
'n Faktuur sal na elke sessie aan jou gestuur word. Betalings moet via elektroniese fondsoorplasing (EFT) gemaak word. 'n Kwitansie sal met betaling per e-pos uitgereik word om terugbetaling van u mediese fondsverskaffer moontlik te maak indien van toepassing.
Voorgeskrewe Minimum Voordeel (VMV) Inligting
As jy aan spesifieke diagnostiese kriteria voldoen, kan jy dalk vir 'n VMV in aanmerking kom. Neem asseblief kennis dat dit vereis dat u diagnose aan u mediese fondsverskaffer bekend gemaak word, wat deel van u permanente gesondheidsrekord word. Ons sal VMV-geskiktheid en implikasies tydens u konsultasie bespreek.
Verskaf asseblief ten minste 24 uur skriftelike kennis vir kansellasies of herskedulering. Afsprake wat nie betyds gekanselleer of herskeduleer word nie, sal die volle sessiefooi aangaan. Kontak my per e-pos of WhatsApp ten minste 24 uur voor jou afspraak om kansellasiefooie te vermy.
Kontak gerus as jy enige vrae het of as jy gereed is om die volgende stap te neem.